K Kumar loved digging up the past. After all he was an Archeologist. And an accomplished one at that. But this particular digging up, he was not good at. I mean..... the digging up of memories. Its lanes and gullies. These lanes would surge in front of KK like endless alleyways with thousands of tiny by-lanes into either side. By-lanes opening into a million houses. Houses with innumerable rooms. And rooms with zillions of people. And KK would stand burdened and exasperated at the entrance of the alleyways, without even daring to turn into one of them. Even the thought of peeking into the rooms was too unnerving.
He would heave and appear faint at the very thought of rummaging through the pile of memories. His adams apple would do a fervent hop skip and jump under the fine skin of his skinny throat. There were just too many of those memories. Or perhaps they had all piled up because he had ceased to disband them long ago. You know, things get easier if you refresh or revive memories from time to time. Because, you cannot actually shut them up. But KK always preferred to bottle them up into pickles he never wanted to taste. Hoping that it would dissolve in its own acidic juices and finally go rancid and perhaps evaporate and disappear with age.
Well, it wasn’t to be so. Because, here she was. Right in front of him. Ejecting him out of his smooth train journey of life and landing painfully on a platform he’d said farewell to 20 years ago. Everything came tumbling out of his memory closet within an instance. His head throbbed, his stomach churned….. but the memory engine continued revving.
He was still reeling from the effect when she suddenly enveloped him into a warm friendly hug, and said `Hi KK. It’s been so very long’
Was it the sudden embrace of a woman, and a beautiful one at that; or whatever, KK had a pleasant feeling slid all over him……